- Se incorporó
- 4 Octubre 2007
- Mensajes
- 349
Board RecommendationEn Diciembre Microsoft (accionistas) votarán si invertir en bitcoin o no.
Se abre la caja de pandora,espectacular.
Microsoft está planteándose algo inaudito: invertir en bitcoin. Sería el mayor espaldarazo a la cripto en años
Una empresa tan grande como Microsoft tiene que plantearse muchas opciones. Algunas tan impensables como apostar por un sector con el que no han
Tesla subió 22% en un solo dia la semana pasada:
Tesla de fiesta - La Tercera
Las acciones de la empresa subieron un 22%, su mayor alza en 11 años, lo que además significó que la fortuna de Elon Musk sumara en un solo día 34 mil millones de dólares, consolidándose como la persona con mayor patrimonio en el mundo, y el primero que está punto de superar los 300 mil
The Board of Directors recommends a vote AGAINST the proposal for the following reasons:
This proposal requests that the Board conduct an assessment that is unnecessary because Microsoft’s management already carefully considers this topic.
Microsoft’s Global Treasury and Investment Services team evaluates a wide range of investable assets to fund Microsoft’s ongoing operations, including assets expected to provide diversification and inflation protection, and to mitigate the risk of significant economic loss from rising interest rates. Past evaluations have included Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies among the options considered, and Microsoft continues to monitor trends and developments related to cryptocurrencies to inform future decision making.
As the proposal itself notes, volatility is a factor to consider in evaluating cryptocurrency investments for corporate treasury applications that require stable and predictable investments to ensure liquidity and operational funding.
Microsoft has strong and appropriate processes in place to manage and diversify its corporate treasury for the long-term benefit of shareholders and this requested public assessment is unwarranted.