- Se incorporó
- 15 Enero 2004
- Mensajes
- 11.882
Muchachos, tengo un problemazo.
Tengo una aplicación que trabaja con frames. Esa aplicación es cerrada y no se puede tocar ni se puede actualizar. ES ASÍ.
La cosa es que esta aplicación abre frames y manda sesiones y cookies a otros sitios para abrir frames. Y funcionaba bastante bien durante 6 años, hasta ahora. Un frame no me muestra nada, se va por time out.
Cuando apretó el F12 en chrome para ver que pasa me sale este mensaje
Como esto es una plataforma weblogic, fui al soporte weblogic de oracle y dice
¿Ustedes saben si hay alguna manera de decirle a los navegadores "nah, ese sitio es seguro. déjalo pasar no más con las coockies"? ¿O alguna otra cosa que puede ayudar?
Tengo una aplicación que trabaja con frames. Esa aplicación es cerrada y no se puede tocar ni se puede actualizar. ES ASÍ.
La cosa es que esta aplicación abre frames y manda sesiones y cookies a otros sitios para abrir frames. Y funcionaba bastante bien durante 6 años, hasta ahora. Un frame no me muestra nada, se va por time out.
Cuando apretó el F12 en chrome para ver que pasa me sale este mensaje
core-ASPEN-4141.js:37 [Deprecation] Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/.
AdfXMLRequest.send @ core-ASPEN-4141.js:37
worklist.jspx:1 A cookie associated with a cross-site resource at http://misitio2/ was set without the `SameSite` attribute. A future release of Chrome will only deliver cookies with cross-site requests if they are set with `SameSite=None` and `Secure`. You can review cookies in developer tools under Application>Storage>Cookies and see more details at https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5088147346030592 and https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5633521622188032.
worklist.jspx:1 Refused to display 'http://misitio2:7003/workflow/UIEvaluarCF004_rev2.5.7/faces/adf.task-flow?_task-flow-return=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.institucion.cl%3A80%2Fbpm%2Fworkspace%2Ffaces%2Fadf.task-flow-return%3F_afrPage%3Ds1&adf.tfDoc=%2FWEB-INF%2FHT_Evaluar_Viatico_TaskFlow.xml&adf.tfId=HT_Evaluar_Viatico_TaskFlow&bpmBrowserWindowStatus=taskFlowReturn&bpmWorklistContext=d540fea5-d3e7-4517-aabe-7286cf0a7682%3B%3BG%3B%3BUa%2FBBfF7iX1g1ICdVMmgGtDxKnjC2gQwwa2sgP%2Bw1Sil0%2Fxlb4h0Dd%2FesxL21W7kBsmSYBbAbfzEYHoXXMUpTpGGUe6XqoUjjISNJPGWztjurv087eGUcIvqdL%2F860QsbkRFQjYiMh3dsHKJVQzfcw%3D%3D&bpmWorklistHome=home.jspx&bpmWorklistHttpURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.institucion.cl%3A80%2Fbpm%2Fworkspace%2Ffaces&bpmWorklistReassign=reassignTask.jspx&bpmWorklistRequestInfo=requestInfo.jspx&bpmWorklistRoute=routeTask.jspx&bpmWorklistSecurity=signTask.jspx&bpmWorklistSessionTimeoutInterval=7200&bpmWorklistTaskId=7f673891-2a93-40c0-8831-924ba4da9f79&cy=ES&df=medium&dispNameCy=ES&dispNameLg=es&dispNameVr=&dt=both&enableNavigationButton=true&lg=es&sf=skyros&soaUrl=https%3A%2F%2FMiSitio1%3A7504&tf=short&tz=America%2FSantiago&vr=&_afrRedirect=17678954430079&_afrPage=s2' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'.
Como esto es una plataforma weblogic, fui al soporte weblogic de oracle y dice
Introduction to the SameSite Cookie Issue
The Google Chrome 80 release, scheduled for February 2020, changes the default cross-domain (SameSite) behavior of cookies to enhance security and privacy. Mozilla and Microsoft have also indicated an intent to implement the new model in Firefox and Edge in the future.
This Chrome Platform Status explains the intent of the SameSite attribute:
“SameSite is a reasonably robust defense against some classes of cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks, but developers currently need to opt-into its protections by specifying a SameSite attribute. In other words, developers are vulnerable to CSRF attacks by default. This change would allow developers to be protected by default while allowing sites that require state in cross-site requests to opt-in to the status quo’s less-secure model. In addition, forcing sites to opt-in to SameSite=None gives the user agent the ability to provide users more transparency and control over tracking."
With Chrome 80 release in February, by default Chrome will treat cookies that have no declared SameSite value as SameSite=Lax. Up until Chrome 80, the default is SameSite=None. After the Chrome 80 release, developers can still opt into the status quo of unrestricted use by explicitly setting "SameSite=None; Secure" cookies that will be available for external access.
Other browser vendor plans:
[*]Mozilla has affirmed their support of the new cookie classification model with their intent to implement the "SameSite=None; Secure" requirements for cross-site cookies in Firefox.
[*]Microsoft recently announced plans to begin implementing the model starting as an experiment in Microsoft Edge 80.
For more information, see this Chromium blog post.
Oracle recommends that application developers and application server administrators assess their situation to see if they will be impacted. Included in this document are some steps to consider.
¿Ustedes saben si hay alguna manera de decirle a los navegadores "nah, ese sitio es seguro. déjalo pasar no más con las coockies"? ¿O alguna otra cosa que puede ayudar?